H How to use different SSH keys

December 12, 2018 — 2 Min Read

As a developer you might have to deal with SSH keys to access specific API/machines, and a common approach is to have one key for everything. For security reasons it’s good to use different ones so that if one of them is compromised the other services are safe and you don’t need to revoke and regenerate the keys for all your API/machines.

In this guide I will show you how to use a different SSH keys for each domain.

U Use gRPC/protobuf with C++ and Go

July 24, 2017 — 4 Min Read

In this guide I will show you how to use gRPC to write a simple client (in C++) and server (in Go) for your service.

For this tutorial we will use the code available in the following Github project: pasdam/grpcExample.

For the client, in this article I’ll show how to write a command line one, but in the repository there is also a GUI client written with the Qt framework.